
Showing posts from April, 2016

Does appearance really matter?

Amongst other pressing issues surrounding my workshop travel, I managed to ask myself the important question on appearance 😄-  What do I wear?    I don't think it makes me unserious (you could say it does) but I think it's just as important as what I will gain from the workshop. I am of the opinion that your appearance helps improve your state of mind and openness to learning just like what good food does to your brain. I love to travel light and considering it was a 10hour journey to somewhere I had never been, it made perfect sense to only carry essentials and keep my suitcase light.  So I chose to travel with a few dresses,  one jacket and a pair of jeans. In retrospect, as always, I loved my appearance throughout the workshop but I really shouldn't have over analysed the size of that suitcase in the first place.  Do you think your appearance affects your state of mind?

Quote of the week


Dealing with disappointment

Many of us have had to deal with disappointment at one point or another in our careers especially when it comes to applying for a well-deserved position or promotion. It is usually a time when we feel down and wonder why things didn’t work out the way we wanted. The feeling could sometimes be so overwhelming so much so you just want to curl up in bed all day and never try again. At other times, it is a feeling of optimism, a feeling that propels you to try and try again until you achieve your goal. The latter is where we want to be in the face of a disappointing situation. That point when you realize that the event does not define who you are and how much you can achieve. Today, I had the opportunity to sort of encourage a younger friend ( we haven’t met in person) who had just gotten a ‘rejection’ email from a potential supervisor. I could sense the sore  disappointment in her voice. I did try to cheer her up and share my story with her but after our conversation, I felt ...

The power in the magic words "Thank You"

I was initially going to post this as a facebook ‘rant’ but I decided against it and thought to make it an actual post. Have you come across people that are just not courteous? People that seem to have deleted the simple magic words (please, sorry, thank you ) from their vocabulary? I witnessed a not-so-pleasant experience this morning. An old colleague (Miss B) who had not contacted someone I know ( Miss A) for years, unexpectedly reached out this morning. Miss B didn’t bother with pleasantries- she needed a favour. Miss A was saying to me that it was such a pleasure to hear from Miss B after such a long time and she was happy to help her out since the favour was easily within her reach. So, Miss A took a few minutes off what we were working on, excused herself to go attend to Miss B’s errand. When she was done, she chatted with Miss B, gave her all the information she asked for, and that was it. Yes, that was the end of the conversation. Miss B read the message (thanks to ...

How much is too many QUESTIONS???

Our teachers always told us that there were no stupid questions. Do you really agree with this? I got into a conversation with a good friend recently about asking questions and being asked questions in an office environment. For instance, you are extremely busy, concentrating on your work, trying to figure out certain things, when a new or not-so-new member of the office comes to ask you questions about a technique you are using. As a kind person, you should answer all questions in details, right? What if this becomes a habit? Let me put it this way- the latest member of the office is all up in your research business. This person wants to know everything you are doing even though it has nothing to do with their own job. Do you keep answering the questions in this case or do you politely decline? On the other hand, as the newest member, have you found yourself wondering if people are willing to answer your questions. Have you found your colleagues a bit unfriendly and u...

Commonwealth Professional Fellowship

The Commonwealth Professional Fellowship supports mid-level career persons who are willing to spend a period of time working on their professional development in the UK. This fellowship is open to professionals from developing countries and is sponsored by the Department for International Development (DFID). Priority will be given to professionals in the following areas: Agriculture/ Fisheries/ Forestry Economic growth Education Engineering/Science/Technology Environment Government Public health Fellowship duration should be between 1- 3 months. A case can be made for fellowships requiring a longer duration. The value of fellowship: Includes airfare to and from the fellow's home country, reimbursement of visa and other application fees, a monthly stipend of £1,580 - £1,959 per month depending on location, allowance for warm clothes, conferences and other relevant travels within the UK. Application deadline: May 17th, 2016. For inform...

Support System

                                                            Photo Credit: Behind every successful working mum, there is a strong support system. That support system could be in the form of family, friends, institutions, government etc. You just cannot do it on your own. In my case, my support system is very strong and diverse. My husband forms the core of my support and he's always there encouraging and motivating me to be the best. We all at some point need to draw strength from others. It is important to utilize the relationships around us, nourish and grow them so that we can be there for one another when the need arises. Today, I celebrate the first support backbone I ever knew- my most loving, sacrificial and ever giving parents. Happy 30th wedding anniversary Nick & Liz. Cheers to ...

Beauty on a student stipend budget 2

So I visited my colleague, Maryam, at her home last night and I realized how little money I needed to tush up our apartment. Her place was beautifully decorated with all sorts of flowers and plants. Most of them she had gotten for free somewhere in school. All she had to pay for was the flower pots where she nurtured her plants. A part of me however wondered how I could incorporate that into our apartment, where I live with a very active toddler. Please share any ideas you have with me. Maryam is putting some of her paintings for sale and you can get good deals on her paintings if you contact her through the blog 😉. You could also send me an email on for more information. Have a beautiful weekend and please do share your ideas of beautifying a home where active toddlers live.                                          One of Maryam's new...

Preparing for funding

                                                                  Photo credit: I have  recently come across a couple of scholarships for women. These scholarships are quite competitive and do not open up for application until later in the year (I shall put up the adverts then). I however think that there is a need to prepare ahead for these opportunities. Most of the funding bodies require you to have gotten an admission into a University for a research degree. Remember,  a lot of these applications are open for a one to two month period. A time frame within which it might be difficult to get a supervisor, secure an admission and get a proof of admittance into your program. Therefore, it is important to prepare ahead by seeking the admission early. This way, you have a proof of admittance befor...

Schooling and Money

                                        Photo credit: I remember primary school days, the days where we had no worries or concerns about money- that was simply the job of our parents (the good old days). But as we grew older and got into high school, we began to notice that some students were being rewarded for good grades, excellence in sports, debates, drama etc in form of scholarships. A few scholarships were need-based but most were by merit. The reality that some of our mates attended school without paying school fees was obvious - their parents rewarded them by buying them new shoes and school bags all the time. Graduate school is another ball game when it comes to funding. At this time, one is definitely more mature than high school or even undergraduate school. The workload is so much more and you do not at this point want to depend on the ever so ...

UONGOZI Leadership Essay Contest

African citizens between the ages of 18-25 are invited to submit an essay on their perspective of leadership. This essay contest is organized by the UONGOZI Institute. Essays should be no more than two pages long and it will be judged based on originality, creativity, use of language and appropriateness to contest theme. Prize - $2000 Deadline: May 31, 2016. For information on how to apply, please visit  how to apply Good luck guys.

On a lighter note

My darling husband shared this photo with me and I couldn't help but share it with you guys. Enjoy your day.

Women's Construction Leadership Seminar

The women’s construction leadership seminar is a two-day leadership workshop for women in college, who are interested in construction and engineering. This seminar will hold on September 29-30, 2016 @ Kiewit Headquarters, Omaha, Nebraska. Applications will open May15 and close July 15. Participants who are selected to attend will have all transportation and lodging costs covered. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please consult

Do not quit

Photo credit: Tasneem This is definitely one of my favourite poems. I came across this poem in high school and re-wrote it different forms (there was that time of my life when I wrote poems). I knew the poem so well that at a time, I almost thought I was the original author (lol). When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won if he'd stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up When he might have captured the victor's cup, And he learned too late, when the night...

Quote of the week!!!


Home-made Boli and Vegetables

Photo Credit: Kachy Have you thought about adding another variety to your recipe list recently, if you have, then you should totally try the Nigeria boli and vegetables. Boli is made from Plantains -which are rich in fibre and potassium. Plantain is a tropical fruit, however it can be found in most large retail stores around the world (Tesco, Walmart, Superstore, Shoprite etc).  You make your boli by simply grilling it in your oven @ 300 degrees for about 30 minutes (you have to check it at 15 minutes to turn it over). When it is done, you can serve your boli with mixed vegetables, chicken, fish or any other protein of choice. Try it this week and let me know how it goes. Have a fantastic week

Women of Destiny Conference

Hi Ladies, Here's an invitation to a conference for women. The conference will be centred on family, business and career. For females in Lagos, Nigeria, you can physically attend this if you get the chance, while readers outside Lagos, Nigeria, can follow the sessions online at We can together discuss key points from the conference when it's over. Save the date : April 22nd - 24th, 2016.

Order of the White Rose Scholarship for Women in Engineering

The Order of the White Rose is offering one graduate scholarship to a female student in Engineering. The scholarship is worth $30,000 (non-renewable). To apply, you must be a female Canadian citizen or permanent resident, who just obtained a bachelor’s degree in December 2015, May 2016 07 August 2016. For information on how to apply, please visit; Good luck ladies.

Getting help when you need it

                                                                                    Painting by Maryam Have you ever been in a fix and didn't know what to do? Let's assume you found yourself in a verbally or physically abusive relationship, or there was a case of harassment or even rape. Maybe you were in a dark place and did not want to share stuff with your closest of friends, or you had unimaginable difficulties with your school work which was beginning to take a toll on your self confidence. Whatever the issues are, there's always an avenue to get help in your school. There are a number of resources on our campuses that are not utilized to full potential.  One of them is the students' counseling center. It might be named differently in your school but it is always th...

Celebrating excellence

Picture Credit: Paula Fiddi I am not letting my opportunities go to waste. I refuse to be afraid to take chances and putting myself out there. I intend to open the doors for others to come in.  - Paula Fiddi Paula recently gave a presentation on 'Investigating the Impact of Gender Differences on Cyber Security Skills' at the 3rd Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference in Cambridge University. She said 'I represented the "minority of the minorities"  I recently saw the TED Talk titled “Teach girls bravery, not perfection” by the founder and CEO of Girls who Code, Reshma Saujani. She mentioned in her talk that only a few women had the bravery to do the Sciences (especially Computer programming). This is not because women are not smart enough, but because we have been taught to be perfect rather than brave. The Sciences involve try and errors. Therefore, it takes the brave to try, try and try again. So today, we celebrate the bravery of #Wom...

Staying calm in the midst of a storm

Post written by Dinah Ekundayo So we all get to that point in life when we face adverse or difficult situations and nothing seems to be working for us in spite of all our efforts and how hard we have prayed/stayed positive irrespective of our beliefs. What do you do when you have done all you truly and humanly can? STAND!!! Yep I said that STAND!! Never ever give in to pressures or depressions or else you will find yourself speaking negatively. It’s just a light affliction and remember no matter how bad you think your situation is, someone else is going through something worse and what is more, things almost always turn out for good to those who STAND and never give in. Firstly, you can stay calm by trying to stay focused. You can so the things you never had the chance to do and keep yourself happy by doing your favorite things. For me, that would be music. I have a song for every season and situation of life. Music is simply food to my soul and it reenergizes me. Secondly, ...

How easy is it to make a choice

                                                                                Painting by Tasneem I once overheard the conversation of two of my female bosses (It really wasn't intentional). I had gone to the washroom to do my business that afternoon when I heard someone sobbing profusely in the next unit.  I thought maybe a client or colleague has upset someone again to the point of tears (this had happened to me before- story for another day). So I continued my business until I heard her door open and knew she was standing in front of the mirror. As I was about to finish up, someone else came in and started a conversation with her. By the time I heard their voices, I knew they were my bosses so I chose to sit still and listen rather than step out and ma...

Let's leave our rooms dirty

                                                                  Exam mode activated ( Photo Credit: Tasneem) It’s almost the end of the winter term and we know what that means - another season for examinations. I’m yet to meet a student who loves exams ðŸ¤“  but it’s got to be done to get promoted. Sometimes, to get the best results, we temporarily deny ourselves of certain pleasures, give up hanging out with friends, cooking elaborate meals, going to the gym or even cleaning up our rooms. Whatever the sacrifice is, we know it is only temporary and the results will justify the sacrifice. This just might be the same as other goals in life. There’s a period for sacrifice and a period for results. Therefore, it is essential to sow good seeds so that when the results arrive, they will be good ones. ...

OWSD PhD Fellowship

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing world (OWSD) is calling for applications to its PhD fellowship    for female students from Sub-Saharan Africa or Least Developed Countries (LDCs) who wish to pursue postgraduate training leading to a doctorate degree at a centre of excellence in the South outside their own country. The fellowship is offered to carry out research in Natural sciences, Engineering and Information Technology. Each fellowship will be offered for up to three years and will cover tuition, travel expenses, monthly stipend, medical insurance etc.  Application Deadline: May 31st, 2016 For information on how to apply, please visit:

Can we have it all?

                                                      Photo Credit: Moyo Bolujoko (Mo_Delish) We all are a product of influence. From infancy to adulthoood, our learning and experiences  have formed our thinking and deep-seated beliefs. Sometimes I wonder where some of our 'statements of fact' come from. One of those statements is 'You cannot have it all'. I often hear people say with so much confidence that people, especially women, cannot have a thriving career as well as a wonderful family. They believe that these two are mutually exclusive and that when you try to marry both, you just must make a shoddy job of one of them. There are many women in the world who appear to be doing both excellently well. One of them is the current CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, who is happily married with five children. Some might argue that ‘well you just ...