Staying calm in the midst of a storm

Post written by Dinah Ekundayo
So we all get to that point in life when we face adverse or difficult situations and nothing seems to be working for us in spite of all our efforts and how hard we have prayed/stayed positive irrespective of our beliefs.
What do you do when you have done all you truly and humanly can? STAND!!! Yep I said that STAND!! Never ever give in to pressures or depressions or else you will find yourself speaking negatively. It’s just a light affliction and remember no matter how bad you think your situation is, someone else is going through something worse and what is more, things almost always turn out for good to those who STAND and never give in.

Firstly, you can stay calm by trying to stay focused. You can so the things you never had the chance to do and keep yourself happy by doing your favorite things. For me, that would be music. I have a song for every season and situation of life. Music is simply food to my soul and it reenergizes me. Secondly, always have a plan B and activate it. Thirdly, look out for the lessons learnt for the future. Our challenges refine us and makes us stronger/better people. Lastly but not necessarily the least, keep moving, keep standing tall, keep speaking right and trust God’s will for your life even in the times when you don’t understand His ways!!

If you have a friend, family member or acquaintance going through a situation/challenge what can you do to help? You can help by being there. Be empathetic as it is never enough to say we are praying for you or let me know if you need anything [As it’s the case in most Christian folds, I personally think this has become just a slang]. While you are praying, be available chances are they may never come to you or call you to ask for any assistance be it moral, financial or otherwise. Reason being that people in these circumstances are vulnerable and will do anything to protect their ego so they become very protective as they do not want to become a subject of discussion in other peoples’ bedrooms or at a coffee table which usually is the case. So first, you need to prove to them that they can trust you, then selflessly try to access their needs and offer practical solutions. Think outside the box. If you think they will need groceries by all means get them groceries. If you think they will need help with packing suitcases in the event that they have to move, please find time to help them pack. It’s those little acts of kindness that go a long way in life. It is never a time to talk behind their back, laugh or mind your business. Most times its always the time to Save a Soul by just simply being there.


Post Author: Dinah Ekundayo (CEO Dakada Travels)


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