Can we have it all?

                                                      Photo Credit: Moyo Bolujoko (Mo_Delish)

We all are a product of influence. From infancy to adulthoood, our learning and experiences  have formed our thinking and deep-seated beliefs. Sometimes I wonder where some of our 'statements of fact' come from. One of those statements is 'You cannot have it all'. I often hear people say with so much confidence that people, especially women, cannot have a thriving career as well as a wonderful family. They believe that these two are mutually exclusive and that when you try to marry both, you just must make a shoddy job of one of them.
There are many women in the world who appear to be doing both excellently well. One of them is the current CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, who is happily married with five children. Some might argue that ‘well you just know what she chooses to tell the media', 'maybe she isn’t truly happy on all fronts’ etc. Well, they just might be right but I believe that your beliefs and pronouncements usually become your reality. So, I choose to believe I can have it all. I choose to believe in the principle of sowing and reaping. So yes, I need to sow a good dose of dedication into both areas and yes, I choose to believe I can and I will have it all.

Let me know what you think.


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