How easy is it to make a choice

                                                                               Painting by Tasneem

I once overheard the conversation of two of my female bosses (It really wasn't intentional). I had gone to the washroom to do my business that afternoon when I heard someone sobbing profusely in the next unit.  I thought maybe a client or colleague has upset someone again to the point of tears (this had happened to me before- story for another day). So I continued my business until I heard her door open and knew she was standing in front of the mirror. As I was about to finish up, someone else came in and started a conversation with her. By the time I heard their voices, I knew they were my bosses so I chose to sit still and listen rather than step out and make my boss feel embarrassed. So this was how the conversation went. 

Lady B: Ireti, what is wrong with you? Have you been crying? You look so red
Ireti: My son's school just called to say the school has been flooded. They want all parents to come pick up their kids while they address the issue. In fact they had called earlier and I told them I would come and get him but I didn't go. The headmistress just called me a few minutes ago and it is only my son left in school. I'm fed up. You know I have an important meeting this afternoon.
Lady B: Please get his dad to pick him up
Ireti: His dad is out of town on a business trip
Lady B. Are there any family members who can help you out? I understand how important this meeting is to you and the organization 
Ireti: I have no one in this city (she starts crying again)
Lady B: This job is a means to an end and your son is that 'end'. I suggest you go and pick up your son. You know how long you and your husband waited before you had him. Let's go and explain to oga (oga means boss) but you are all red. Wait here until you look better. 

Have you ever been in this sort of situation before? - where you had to make a choice between attending to your family and your job?Let's assume you had a meeting with your supervisor or PhD committee but your baby suddenly fell sick, how would you inform your supervisor? Is it a sign weakness or 'imbalance' in one's life when you often have to take excuses to attend to family issues?

Please let's discuss this.

N.B. Please don't ask me how long I had to wait in the washroom that afternoon before Ireti left to her office. 


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