Celebrating excellence
Picture Credit: Paula Fiddi
I am not letting my opportunities go to waste. I refuse to be afraid to take chances and putting myself out there. I intend to open the doors for others to come in. - Paula Fiddi
Paula recently gave a presentation on 'Investigating the Impact of Gender Differences on Cyber Security Skills' at the 3rd Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference in Cambridge University. She said 'I represented the "minority of the minorities"
I recently saw the TED Talk titled “Teach girls bravery, not perfection” by the founder and CEO of Girls who Code, Reshma Saujani. She mentioned in her talk that only a few women had the bravery to do the Sciences (especially Computer programming). This is not because women are not smart enough, but because we have been taught to be perfect rather than brave. The Sciences involve try and errors. Therefore, it takes the brave to try, try and try again.
So today, we celebrate the bravery of #WomeninScience #WomeninComputerScience. A special shoutout to #MinoritiesinComputerScience #BlackWomeninComputerScience
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