Getting help when you need it

                                                                                    Painting by Maryam

Have you ever been in a fix and didn't know what to do? Let's assume you found yourself in a verbally or physically abusive relationship, or there was a case of harassment or even rape. Maybe you were in a dark place and did not want to share stuff with your closest of friends, or you had unimaginable difficulties with your school work which was beginning to take a toll on your self confidence. Whatever the issues are, there's always an avenue to get help in your school. There are a number of resources on our campuses that are not utilized to full potential.  One of them is the students' counseling center. It might be named differently in your school but it is always there. At the counseling center, you will usually find professionals who are willing to help and counsel you through difficult times.

Don't hurt in silence. Share with a caring professional today.

Have a great weekend.


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