On Harambe and Mummy Blaming

So sad the world lost the almost extinct gorilla, Harambe at the Cincinnati zoo recently. What's sadder is the circumstance around which the gorilla was killed and how much public backlash the mummy of the beautiful 4- year-old has received. The boy's mum has sadly become the butt of a lot of criticisms tagging her as irresponsible and uncaring but is this really true. What I find more baffling is that many of the commenters seem to have totally absolved the boy's father of any blame. You might ask me 'Why blame the dad if he wasn't at the zoo'? Here's the thing, the report says mum had several young children she needed to look after and she was managing to do a good job of that until her 4-year old went missing. Not that I think that anyone should be blamed for the little boy's accident (he was just being a child), but I feel that both parents should always take responsibility for their children. If taking care of many children at a public place lik...