Three Sisters by Tosin Otitoju

I started reading Three Sisters today and I must say it's been quite captivating. I have not read a novel in a long time as I often feel too 'busy' to do so but this novel is actually rekindling my attraction to fiction.

Three Sisters by Tosin Otitoju is a story of three women with different lives, different struggles, and triumphs.

Zuzu who wants to be a nurse, but her fiancĂ© is afraid to allow her that much freedom. 
Mona, a conservative Muslim wife, and mother. She has just slept with a stranger. She feels powerful, but she also feels mighty guilty. 
Koko who befriends some French expatriates and now the other girls are jealous
In the background of all three stories is the November 2008 announcement of Barack Obama’s election as president of the United States...

To read the full novel please click Three Sisters
You can leave Tosin some feedback about the novel on her blog  HERE


Author Profile: Tosin Otitoju
Location: Crazy Lagos: Nigeria
Interests: I engineer development, I develop engineers, ...and sometimes I write literature.
Picture credit: Tosin Otitoju


  1. Thank you for posting this.

  2. Thank you for permitting me to post it. It was a good one.

  3. The link to the book on appears to be broken or the book removed.


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