DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowship (Cancer research) in Germany

Program description: The DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is intended to recruit highly talented and motivated young scientist to the German Cancer Research Center. This program provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities in state-of-the-art research facilities for excellent young scientists, who wish to work at the forefront of cancer research in any of basic or translational cancer research labs at the DKFZ. This program offers up to 10 fellowships per year to PhDs no longer than 2 years past graduation, with a background in biology as well as in physics, mathematics, bioinformatics and other fields.
The DKFZ has strong research programs in the following topics: 
  • Cell Biology and Tumor Biology, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
  • Structural and Functional Genomics, Systems Biology
  • Epidemiology, Cancer Risk Factors, Cancer Epigenomics 
  • Tumor Immunology
  • Imaging and Radiology, Medical Physics 
  • Infection and Cancer, Tumor Virology
  • Translational Cancer Research

Candidates are advised to contact program leads prior to application.

Program duration : 2 years
Salary: Competitive
Eligibility: A qualification equivalent to a Ph.D. or MD is a prerequisite for all applications. Candidates should document their successful previous research endeavors with publications. The candidates should be at an early stage of their career, having held a Ph.D. for no longer than 2 years. 
How to Apply : Apply Here
Deadline: August 31st, 2016

For more information, please visit  Scholarship Website or contact program administrator 
DKFZ Postdoc Program
German Cancer Research Center
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +496221423301
Fax: +496221423359


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