Microbiology and Immunology PhD program ETH Zurich, Switzerland

The MIM Ph.D. program is a joint program of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, two highly prestigious Swiss Universities with excellent research facilities.
The program offers research and education opportunities in a stimulating international environment for ambitious students who wish to work towards a PhD. Basic, environmental and medical microbiology, molecular microbiology, biochemistry, bacterial and viral pathogenesis, infection biology, experimental and clinical immunology, evolution, parasitology, virology and veterinary bacteriology are covered by the program.
Accepted students perform their research project in one of the participating research groups of their choice, according to their scientific interest. The progress of the Ph.D. work will be evaluated and supervised at yearly meetings by the Ph.D. Committee. On a voluntary basis, new Ph.D. students may profit from a one-to-one mentoring in social and professional issues by more experienced Ph.D. students.
Students will obtain their PhD from either the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich and receive a certificate from the program.
The program language is English throughout.
There are two application tracks: 
Track 1:  Candidates who apply through this track are required to fill out the online application via the Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Deadlines for application are July 1 and December 1. Selected candidates are invited for an admission interview taking place in Zurich in early February (week 6) and in early September (week 36). Passing the admission interview grant access to all Ph.D. programs within the Life Science Zurich Graduate School.
Track 2: Students who are able to find a Ph.D. position while applying directly to a group leader, are track 2 candidates. They are welcome to apply to the MIM Ph.D. program within six months after being accepted by a PI of the MIM Ph.D. program. A complete application must contain a CV, recommendation letter from the supervisor and the complete online application. The steering Committee will decide on the acceptance of the student or whether a further examination by an admission interview is necessary.

For more information please contact MIM Program website or 

the Ph.D. program coordinator, Judith Zingg - Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 4 / HCIF421 8093, Zurich, Schweiz. 

email address: jzingg@ethz.ch, telephone number: +41446330406


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