Congratulations - It's graduation season

It is graduation season and I have read a number of amazing graduation stories. Stories of single moms who were able to graduate despite being the sole provider, stories of women who despite being told many times ‘You cannot do it. you are nursing a baby', stories of women who have been able to run their businesses successfully while schooling. Stories of women who spent hours, days and weeks in the library, stories of women who had to temporarily sacrifice their social lives on the altar of academics, stories of late nights and missing the kids' school play and recitals. Stories of grace, strength, determination, and hard work. 

Congratulations to you all. Your stories encourage the next sister, your stories tell us we are strong, your stories tell us we can multi-task, your stories tell us that we can have it all and because you have done it, it is a sign that we too can.

I have seen some beautiful commencement speeches but I just thought to share with you a cocktail of advice from recent Honorary degree recipients from the Johns Hopkins University. On Wednesday, May 18th, the University honored  internationally acclaimed author, Chimamanda Adichie, pioneering academic and philanthropic leader Judith Rodin, Nobel prize winning neuroscientist Dr. Richard Axel, Philanthropist and retired judge, Honorable Ellen Heller, renowned researcher Susan Baker, eminent attorney and philanthropist Shale Stiller, Esteemed researcher Laurie Zabin.

Watch what they had to say below;

Photo credit: Will Kirk- Homewood Photography


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