Useful Resource for Bioscientist

Many times we sign up to receive certain email notifications but end up not utilizing the resource/information. That was the case for me with Bitesize bio until I came across the Bioscientist's Webinar Festival. I am at the point where I'm looking to learn some new things in the simplest way possible so this appeared attractive. I thought about our blog readers who are in the Biosciences and thought to share the scheduled live webinars with you.
Bitesize bio started as a blog in 2007 by Nick Oswald but it has transformed to a knowledge-sharing site where scientists and companies can share information. If you are interested in techniques involving  Genomics and Epigenetic, DnA/RNA manipulation, Protein expression and analysis, PCR, Flow cytometry , Microscopy and Imaging, Cells and model organisms, then you should check out their website

Live webinars available are;
who: Leanna Ferrand, GE Healthcare 
when: Thu May 19 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego 

who: Helena Torrell Galceran, Ph.D., Center for Omic Sciences 
when: Mon May 23 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego 

who: Lily Xu, MIT and the Broad Institute 
when: Thu May 26 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego 

who: Chris Power, ZEISS Imaging specialist 
when: Tue May 31 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego 

who: Karen O'Hanlon Cohrt 
when: Thu Jun 9 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego

who: Dr. Brian Adams, PhD Instructor 
when: Tue Jul 12 at 4PM London, 11AM Boston, 8AM San Diego 

All webinars are free but require you to register. To register for any of the available webinars please click Here


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