Preparation is Key

This article was written by Samuel Osho One of my best-kept secrets is my love for beans. I don't mind having beans at least once every day. You can imagine how frequent "cook beans" pops up on my to- do list. Well, it's not much of a bother, it's one of the easiest foods to prepare. I was one of those kids that believed in the law that portends a direct variation between beans in-take and increase in height. I recently decided to cook yet again another pot of beans. I poured the beans into the pot and mistakenly overrated the capacity of my pot. I thought to myself, "It's just a few cups of beans and this pot should be able to handle it." Unfortunately, I was wrong. About twenty minutes into preparing the meal, the uncooked beans started pouring all over the place from the pot, causing fumes to fill the kitchen. I had to stop and look for a bigger pot. And then it dawned on me how I was tricked by the pot. I was also reminded of ho...