Preparation is Key

 This article was written by Samuel Osho
One of my best-kept secrets is my love for beans. I don't mind having beans at least once every day. You can imagine how frequent "cook beans" pops up on my to-do list. Well, it's not much of a bother, it's one of the easiest foods to prepare. I was one of those kids that believed in the law that portends a direct variation between beans in-take and increase in height. 
I recently decided to cook yet again another pot of beans. I poured the beans into the pot and mistakenly overrated the capacity of my pot. I thought to myself, "It's just a few cups of beans and this pot should be able to handle it." 
Unfortunately, I was wrong.
About twenty minutes into preparing the meal, the uncooked beans started pouring all over the place from the pot, causing fumes to fill the kitchen. I had to stop and look for a bigger pot. 
And then it dawned on me how I was tricked by the pot. I was also reminded of how God carefully works on us to develop capacities before allowing us to grace the stage. As against popular opinion, God's grooming in the quarry site is not a delay tactic to stop you from manifesting, it's a blessing in disguise to prepare you for what's coming. Grooming takes time.
My cooking pot fumbled and failed the test. In short, it embarrassed itself not me. (smiles) I hear you asking too many questions lately. Why is it not me doing this and that? But the question you fail to answer: Do you have the capacity to handle it? 
You keep screaming: "Lord, I want an auditorium of 10,000 people." Are you sure you have the capacity to handle a congregation of 2,000 people?" Won't the concealed pride increase the height of your shoulder pads? 
To be honest, I think preparation is more important than seeking opportunities. My generation has turned the tables; we cry for opportunities without investing time in preparation. Opportunities can be a setup for disgrace if you lack the capacity to deliver what is expected of you. 
If you are unprepared for an opportunity, just like my pot, you churn out half-baked results that can't stand the test of time. You make people choke because of the fumes that fill the room as a result of your glaring ignorance mingled with gross ineptitude. 
Have you seen people who claim to be experts on a subject speak like babies? Oh! They make lots of noise like empty barrels. It gets so worse sometimes that you need to block your ears. 
Why is it that our main song is "I want this ..." "I want that ..." You have never asked, "Lord, what do I need to do to attract this?" 
The best opportunities for "promotion" are the ones you attract because of what you have embodied: what you have learnt, you have touched and handled.
Oh! Come on! Joshua attracted the office of Moses because he was prepared for it. It was almost predictable that the mantle was going to fall on him because he prepared. 
Joseph's striking brilliance, an evidence of preparation, created a seat of power in split seconds, a post that was unheard of in the history of Egypt. 
You should watch it if you are always lobbying and loitering around big names to get a "promotion" or "public recognition" in your life. 
Do you know what happens to lobbyists? They end up like Kora, Dathan, and Abiram. In a moment, their purported relevance is swallowed by circumstances. 
The truth is everyone knows when a fruit is ripe. There is always a battle to pluck a ripe fruit and have a bite.
My plea for you today is to stay connected, keep growing, build capacity, become ripe for God's calling in your life and you will watch the world gather to have a bite of what God has been cooking for years. 
Happy Sunday!


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