Happy Birthday Nigeria

yay!!! Nigeria is 57!! I remember being at a workshop in the United States sometime last year and all the participants had to introduce themselves, where they are from, what schools/organization they are affiliated to, and the research interest. When it reached my turn, I did introduce myself and I remember clearly the odd stares I got when I mentioned that I was Nigerian. Note that even though I was the only black person in this group, there were many international participants who chose not mention their home countries but rather claimed their host countries. A few days after, I got talking to a lady and while chatting about my research, we started talking about Canada and I began to share with her how much I love being in Canada. I was surprised when she suggested that I shouldn't have mentioned Nigeria while introducing myself a few days before. It was subtle but I understood it - the image of me, the perception of me was a tiny bit colored by the current realities...