The Nigerian Woman and the Cross of a Cheating Spouse

Post by Dinah Ekundayo Holy Matrimony Let's talk about cheating and the Nigerian woman. Dear Nigerian woman, I have always known there was something off about the way most of you were raised, I use "you" because I think that my parents did their own individual bit to raise me above the norm. Infidelity is a no, no, no in marriage it can be forgiven if it happens once but shouldn't be taken as a norm or the right of the Nigerian men to cheat with impunity. The Nigerian woman should not also be made to carry this cross in marriage without questioning or demanding better. The Nigerian woman is raised to be quiet and endure while I was raised to speak up, ask questions, and demand answers. This, of course, didn't sit exactly well with my disciplinarian mum and earned me lots of beatings as she never could understand why I should question her punishing me when it was my younger brothers who were at fault, or why I should demand answers for being as...