The Purpose of a Formal Education

A few days ago I was sitting at my desk studying quietly when I overheard a colleague speaking with his friend (I had to inform him before posting this so he knows I heard all of their conversation). This post is really about their conversation which I found interesting and I would like to know what you all think. So here goes the conversation (paraphrased of course);

Colleague: What are your plans after your first degree
Colleague's Friend: I'm not sure. Still confused.
Colleague: Why is that?
Colleague's Friend: I do not know if to go get a job or to start a masters program. I would like to ask you why you chose to do a Masters program after a bachelor's degree in Engineering

His response was sort of thought-provoking and I consider it true. He said ' You can graduate with a first class and not know anything (I think he means not knowing how to apply yourself), education should fuel something in you but most of the education we get (in Nigeria), empties what is already inside of you and fill you afresh with something else'. Apparently, he decided to take a masters degree in Engineering just to see if his initial passion for the subject could be rekindled as it appears his first degree had been unable to do that. He noticed that after his first degree, he couldn't boast of building anything (things he thought that an engineering degree would help him achieve as he already imagined designs in his head before starting the program). I do not know if his Master's degree has been worth it  - I didn't ask him but he sure appears to be enjoying what he is doing.

I consider education very essential, however, I feel that a college degree isn’t really for everyone neither is a master or a Ph.D. I mean it’s okay to choose to go on studying just because you are academically able but after all is done then what? Beyond studying for whatever degree, there needs to be a fire somewhere within, a passion that needs to be kindled or rekindled. There should be a goal of what you really want the end to look like, what you want to contribute to your environment as a result of your education. Sometimes, it isn’t a directly proportional impact, for example, you could study medicine in school not because you plan to become a medical doctor working in a hospital but because you see the impact you can make using that background knowledge in business, consulting, government or nonprofit organizations.  

In pursuit of Education, I think it is also important to remember basic Social studies where Education was said to be divided into formal and informal types. Therefore not getting a further degree shouldn't really stop us from learning and constant self-development. 'Life itself is a teacher, the more we live the more we learn' - Wale Adenugba. 

Do you share my colleague's opinion about the purpose of a formal degree fueling something in you and not emptying you completely? Let me know what you think.


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