Pointers for Connecting with a Potential Advisor

I was going through the University of Manitoba's website and I came across a set of application instructions for a paticular department. What caught my attention was the instruction/advice on how to contact a potential supervisor. I consider these points very apt, interesting, some almost hilarious but they should be effective in the end. Check out the points below: DO NOT mass mail professors, if you are considered harassing, your emails will be blocked send these selected professors your Statement of Intent, CV, and possibly your transcripts STATEMENT OF RESEARCH INTENT This is a VERY IMPORTANT document. As may be your only chance have to tell the professor about your research and academic background Be brief! A Statement of Research Intent should be limited to 1 to 2 pages, double-spaced or 1.5 spaced. Write at a Professional Level DON'T write ... it's always been you dream to come to Canada you're doing this to improve the situa...