Where has the time gone?

It seems like yesterday when we all celebrated and congratulated one another on the successful entry into a brand new year. It was the brand new year 2016 and we were armed with our goals and aspirations decked in our hearts, some of us even wrote them down, others posted them on their walls just so that they could wake up to their dreams every day. Fist week, the second week, and maybe the third we tried to envision our dreams for the year becoming a reality while we took active steps in the right direction but by the 20th week, we almost couldn't remember what those dreams were anymore.

Today marks the beginning of the second half of 2016, and I'm wondering if, like me, many of you have abandoned some of the projects you swore to start this year. I'm not talking about projects beyond  your control like finding love, getting a miraculous healing, having a baby or putting an end to senseless world wars and terrorism. But I'm talking about projects that require your own input, dedication, sacrifice and determination to achieve. Projects like reading a book per month, starting a business, proposing to your girlfriend, getting an education, being more financially disciplined, eating right and exercising, giving more, volunteering, spending more time with your family and friends etc. 

I don't want to delve into the reasons why we forget our goals and give up on some of our aspirations before the middle of the year, but, this article is simply to remind us of those dreams tucked somewhere in our hearts. Six months is enough time to make amends, enough time to dream again, enough time to get it right and never give up. For those who life seems to have dealt an unexpected ugly blow in the first half, I pray that you find healing and strength, and a renewed grace to dream again. For those whose dreams require the miraculous, I pray that you find the answers to your heart's request. For all of us, while waiting for the divine,  let's use this opportunity as a brand new start to revamp our zeal and create new stories that colour our world beautiful.

It's Canada day today!!! Happy celebrations to all Canadians around the world, and to all residents of the beautiful country of Canada.

Photo credit: www.pixteller.com


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