Rant 001 - When will you finish?

                                                                                                Picture credit: Ph.D. Humor
I was having a chat with one of my colleagues a few days ago and we veered into the 'dreaded' subject -  'When will you finish'?

Me: How's your writing going ( he is writing up his thesis)

Colleague: I have written a review paper and I am working on another paper. How's yours going?

Me: Pretty good except that one of the platforms I work on is undergoing some upgrade so I have no access for a few days.

Colleague: Good time to take a break

Me: Not really. Tired of everyone asking me when I am finishing

Colleague: So sick of it. Many people do not understand the value of the work we do. They perceive us as students trying to pass an exam but I would like to see myself as a Scientist because that's what I am at this stage. I would not let anyone's lack of understanding or appreciation for my work bother me. So in response to their questions, I always answer by saying "I intend to spend the rest of my life in school"

Me: I agree.👍

For those who do not know, a Ph.D. is not a walk in the park, especially a biological science research which is dependent on different organisms and techniques with which they are handled. Many people plan an experiment to go on for say 1 month for example and it extends to a 4-month experiment, working 16 hours a day in some cases. As with everything in life, you just don't get what you want when you want it sometimes, and like every diligent human being, you press on.
I guess that's why it is called a research - you are never 100 percent sure of what your results will be. If you knew the results from the start you might as well not have started it in the first place.

I agree this is a rant. and on behalf of the 'association of PhDs in process', please stop asking us - When will you finish?

Thank you. 😀


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