INSEAD Fully-Funded PhD in Management Program

INSEAD is offering fully-funded fellowships for international students. INSEAD scholarships are available for the first five years of Ph.D. study and renewed annually dependent upon satisfactory progress in the programme. The Ph.D. in Management program at INSEAD is the only two continent program providing huge diversity and yet intimacy. The program offers close relationships with industry experts, a stimulating interdisciplinary environment, full financial support and an outstanding career potential. INSEAD Ph.D. Fellowship - Tuition Fee The tuition fee is fully covered for the first 5 years of the programme - coursework fees for the first 2 years of the programme, and dissertation fees for the last 3 years. I NSEAD Ph.D. Fellowship - Stipend For AY 2018, annual stipend covers 35,200 € for Singapore-based students and 32,000 € for Fontainebleau-based students, which includes accommodation and living expenses. Research and conference budget support is provid...