PD's Mantra for 2017

Post by Dinah Ekundayo

2016 is the year I grew up!!!In my 34years of living, I have never seen a year this tough.
Wow, what a year. Personally, it’s been filled with wheat and tares for me, I have laughed loads and cried a river.
This year I saw people who are usually strong feel so helpless, I saw faith thin fast and prayers go unanswered[Or so it seemed for a lot of people]Doors closed and more opened in uncertain ways.
I saw Nations shake and the World stunned!!!I woke up to a lot of amazing news and terrible sad ones.
It is one year I am just so extremely grateful to have outlived. I can almost say the feeling must be same for so many. Some of us may have pulled through with a feeling of despair, disappointment, fear of the unknown, regrets, bitterness, loss name it. I have had my own fair share of 2016 dramas and trust me it’s been one hard long year but through it all I count my blessings and stay grateful for life, for good health, for the most amazing Husband/Father to my super smart and active Daughter, for supportive family, for siblings and for friends that stick[Everyone needs this] and so in my seemingly busy and super crazy year I found time to reevaluate my relationships [as I always do]and let go of acquaintance or relationships I concluded do not align with my goals or where I’m headed. We all need to re-evaluate sometimes. It’s your life and you should sit at the head of affairs of it and matter first. Yes, you first.
My mantra for 2017 is keep pushing no matter how tough it gets or bleak it seems…Do what you need to do to make you happy and let people do what they need to do to make them happy.
I hope 2017 comes with the Midas touch. Happy New Year people!!!

Happy birthday Irene, Your gift of friendship is a blessing am grateful for each day. I pray the blessings of purpose fulfillment upon your life. Be blessed.XOXO


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