Christmas, Giving, and Receiving

It's been such a long time since I put up a post and I must say that I have really missed doing so. It's the end of the year and it has been ladened with so many activities - from church programs to shows and carols, to visiting friends and being visited, cooking, eating and generally just having a good time. I had some time to get on facebook yesterday and as I looked through my timeline, I saw a post that caught my attention. It was one about showing appreciation for the gifts we get this season. At first, it seemed kind of unreal to me that there were people who wouldn't show appreciation for gifts received. Do not get me wrong . I have met ungrateful people in my life but never one who would confidently tell you that 'I do not like what you got for me this year. Next year try to do better and spend at least X amount of money'. I feel like that is the height of ungratefulness borne from a sense of entitlement. Imagine that this person didn't give a gif...