Parenting and Joint Discipline

Post written by Dinah Ekundayo
On Parenting: So there is a common trend I have observed amongst most African parents. I could be specific and say Nigerians as I am one and I have been in close proximity with many Nigerians.  I assumed it was a trend that had been fazed out until a recent occurrence I witnessed which awakened me and made me take a trip down memory lane.
Please allow me to call it Parenting ills. We Women are guilty of keeping our kids' vice especially those of our teenagers away from our spouses. I think firstly it's the fact that we do not want to take the fall of being accused of not raising them properly, or out of love thinking we are protecting them from their Dad's wrath and keeping them in their good books. Please allow me to categorically inform you that you are being a witch to your own child and setting them up for failure in life. My sermon today is 'Do not ever let a child know that they can get between both parents or cut corners'. Children are a little smarter than we think they are. Whether you agree with your partner/Spouse's way of discipline or not, please ensure that you are both in unison when it comes to discipline. Furthermore, when your little man/lady falls short of the way  you have raised them and are in need of correction/discipline,  please do them the favour of informing your significant other so you can both reinforce the values you hold dear. Foolishness like the holy book says abounds in the heart of a child but the rod of correction drives them away. Children at every level test  territories and if they get away with it, they will spread their tentacles. Be wise my friends.
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