Thankfulness Breeds Blessings

Have you ever been in that situation where you thought nothing was working for you? That point where all your job, school, and scholarship applications had been turned down and you had no will to lift a finger and try again. That point where all of your high hopes seem to crash before your face on the receipt of the dreaded email starting with the phrase 'We are sorry'. Maybe you had even started thinking about how you would share your testimony with your friends only for another disappointing email to drop. Some people might be in that state of confusion and disappointment right now and are wondering 'why me'? 
As a new term begins in September, it is only natural to feel bad if you had the goal to start a new program this year. It feels worse when you feel like you tried so hard to make it happen but your effort turned futile in the end. 
Rest if you must but don't quit. 
Cry if you must but don't brood
There's a light at the end of the tunnel
Though it seems so far away
It is closest when it appears farthest
Success is failure turned inside out. 
Whatever you focus on, you magnify.
I was watching a show recently where the panelists talked about the gratefulness exercise. One thing that struck me was the need to be thankful whatever the situation. You could try this exercise sometimes: 
1. Pick a plain sheet of paper
2. Partition into two equal halves
3. On the right side, write down all the things you are thankful for e.g life, health, great parents, friends etc as it applies to you
4. On the left side, write those things that are making you unhappy.
For many people, this exercise reveals to them that they have so much to be thankful for. Therefore, rather than focusing on the few things that are not working yet, it pays to focus on those that are working out well. Thankfulness breeds blessings. If you didn't get that admission/scholarship this September, you may get it  by next year January/March/September.
Do NOT give up on your dreams - they are valid.


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